Minutes of TRLA Annual Board Meeting Sept. 9, 2006
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David Skinner, President, called the meeting to order at 10 am. Present: Board members Anne Gilpin, Eileen Domer, Ted Rodda, David Skinner, Duane Barbano, Jerry Toellner, Linda Pedersen and 12 landowners.Board Quorum established.

Linda Pedersen read previous board meeting minutes from July 22, 2006. Minutes approved with two corrections - clerical errors made on date of meeting and misspelling of board members name.

Eileen Domer reported the following for the month of July:

Deposit Account $61,226
Operating Account $11,735
Reward Fund $1,513
Savings Account $2,186
Total $76,660

Assessment Fees
CurrentYear $58,275
Previous Year $2,401
Total Assessment Fees Collected $60,676

Key Income $56
Donations $130
Total Revenue $60,862

EXPENSES $12,395
Other Outflows
Copier $135
Grader $568
Total Outflows $13,098

Note Receivable
Woodland Lot $20,000
Sagebrush Lot $13,000

Bubba Ozee reported the following:

" Ranch manager's objectives depend entirely on amount of money available. The budgeted monies have been on hold/cut until litigation is resolved.

" Monsoon season on roads - no permanent damage and roads held up well.

" Objectives remain the same.

" Failure of equipment has caused delay in clean up and maintenance including mowing and weed eating at TCC Ranch House and surrounding areas.

" Landowner complaints to him have to be made official and put in writing to the Board.

" Timberlake Road was graded by county, but waited too long as surface was too hard and difficulties of excessive speed on road have put it right back where it was.

" ATVs and Jeep were in lakebed over Labor Day holiday causing problems.

" ATVs are causing total erosion of vegetation and created a small downhill ditch at the end of Cedar/Conejo.

" ATVs going across private ground/Equestrian trails causing damage.

" Pinion/Black Bear gravel put on landowner without notification to Board and Ranch Manager. Road was not prepared (bar ditches and rut removal).

" Unauthorized use of TRLA well by non-landowners.

" Possibility of reserve deputy program in Cibola County that Bubba can become involved with and will enroll in these classes when made available.


Ted Rodda reported the following:

" Design Approval of 1 new residence and 1 new Tuff Shed. Both met TRLA design criteria and approved.
" CCR Violations: There were additional 44 CCR violations submitted since the July 22nd meeting to the Board. Sheds, abandoned foundations, trailers, etc. The reported violations continue to be the largest labor/time-consuming task the Architectural Committee is working on.
" Lot 74: Anticipated changes will occur by the end of this month. In addition to the posting of signs, it was decided to add a small parking area on Lot 74 for safety reasons.
" Bath House - work will begin next month after it is closed for the season and he will be contacting people that expressed interest in helping with this project.

Bylaw/CCR Committee:

Linda Pedersen reported the following:

It was the intention of the Bylaw/CCR Committee to present the proposed revisions to the Bylaws at today's meeting, but unfortunately there were some last minute additions that needed further study. Two new articles have been added - Article XXI Amending and Article XXII Mediation Hopefully everything will be worked out and presented to the board by end of the month.


Legal Update:
" The Garcia Case. Still working through a settlement agreement. A final one was agreed to by the board and sent to Garcia lawyer before Labor Day weekend and waiting for a response back. It may require more tweaking.
" A temporary restraining was filed by board against a landowner who had possible intentions of bringing a manufactured home onto their property. There was an error in communication between the president of the board at that time and TRLA lawyer and it was filed in the wrong county. The case was dismissed and the landowner assured the board that they do not have any intention of bringing a manufactured home onto their property at this time.

TRLA Website:
Anne Gilpin reported that she has met with Russ McCabe (Website Designer) in the last two weeks. This is a complex project He showed her various pages and said that navigation would be easy as she became familiar with it in her own environment. Not so and she has acquired the help of her "techy" son. There are 2 separate parts to the website - an administrative section and a section for members/guests. She is focusing on the administrative section and examining each page. There are headings and classifications that do not pertain to TRLA and will meet with Russ to get them changed after conferencing with the Board for input. It is complicated site and needs simplification.

Timberlake Times Report:
Duane Barbano reported that we were able to correct 4% of landowner addresses by putting "Return Service Requested" on the 450 newsletters that were mailed out. 22 were returned and subsequently remailed after corrections were logged. He asked for those interested in contributing articles for the October mailing to notify him.

Welcome Packets:
Linda Pedersen reported that 34 Welcome Packets have been mailed since July 28th. With the latest updates to the landowner list, the following statistics can be made as of 9.9.06:
There are 744 lots (includes the Fire Station), 487 landowners (109 landowners owning 257 lots) and approximately 120 landowners who have voluntarily given their emails to help in the quick and timely dissemination of TRLA information.


Access to TRLA Well

Fact: Non-landowners are using TRLA water to fill water transport tanks (150-200 gallons) on numerous occasions.

Does TRLA try to be a good neighbor and allow this to continue or do we change the lock on the wellhead to prevent it? Do we charge non-landowners a fee for using the water and how much do we charge? New keys would have to be issued to landowners if lock is changed. What would this do for landowners camping, unaware of the new lock, and need water?

Linda Pedersen moved to place a sign on the well spigot that a new lock would be installed on October 1st and in the meantime the board would be able to establish who the non-landowners are that are using the water and which landowners will need a new key. Motion deferred to Executive Committee for further discussion.

Burn Pile Policy

Fact: The Burn Pile had to be closed recently due to a massive dump of material by a commercial contractor hired by landowner to clear property and heightened an unmanageable situation because of the length of drought and accumulation of material during this non-burn period.

Does the Board need to limit the size of load and or size of material - i.e. diameter of tree limbs, large tree stumps? The burn pile is going to be utilized more and more by landowners due to the increased concern for fire safety and potential lengthy periods of drought not to mention the increasing population of residents in Timberlake.

Andy Wilson (Ramah/Timberlake Fire Chief and Landowner) reported the following:

" Wishes to start a voluntary program with TRLA in assisting landowners who wish to look at the accessibility of their lots to fire trucks - access/egress (turning radius is large), creating a 30' perimeter around residence and removal of branches on trees below 6'. When more people clean their property, it results in positive benefits for everybody and gives the Fire Department ability to defend structures and protect property.

" Keep the burn pile program going and burn the piles more often, not just on New Year's Eve, but more like every 2-3 months. Would have to stop the burning in dry periods. Possibly expand the area in which burn piles are placed either at the present site or find an additional site that could be used on the Common Area. Need to research wetlands issue for potential contamination.

" Possibly sort the material for landowners who wish to acquire the larger branches and return them to their property to cut for firewood.

" Use the least amount of restrictions as possible as the goal is to reduce the fire load and designate the problem as a logistical one.

" Commercial contractors hired by landowners must schedule with board when they anticipate bringing multiple large loads to burn pile and possibly using their equipment to help manage this situation.


Jerry Toellner moved that the burn pile gates stay open and that Commercial contractors let the Board know when they plan to bring large loads that may require placement management. Andy will burn whenever necessary. Anne seconded with amendment to review this policy every 90 days. Motion approved unanimously.

Jerry Toellner reported the following:

" Area on Pinetree needs to have culvert installed to prevent drainage back onto road.
" Area on Yucca has to be dug out and will be looking for volunteers.
" Cedar Road - drainage over road and it needs attention before we lose the road.

Discussion ensued on willingness of landowners to split costs with TRLA to gravel roads to their property (not private driveways). Landowners need to notify Board when they take it upon themselves to acquire gravel and have it spread as the road must be prepared - bar ditches and grading a/o removal of ruts.

Board needs to look at past policies, at old schedule of road maintenance, reassess these policies (what worked and didn't work), and set a policy for communication to landowners.


Landowner brought up question of money set aside several years ago by Venture for beautification/enhancement of the Ramah Lake. Issue needs to be researched. It was believed to be part of the establishment of Timberlake South.

Duane Barbano moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded and carried.

Board met in Executive Session following meeting.