Minutes of TRLA Board Meeting July 17, 2004
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A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by president, Pat Wallace at 11:15 A.M. Present: Pat Wallace, President; "Hoot" Gibson, Vice President; Howard Williams, Secretary/ Treasurer; Harry Hutton, Director; Richard Hawkins, Director.


Joan Williams read the minutes of the previous meeting and they were approved, but the minutes of the first part of the Annual Meeting were not approved because they were not available.

TREASURY REPORT: (Howard Williams)

Howard read that the excess revenue year-to-date since the new Board took over was $94,696. Only $1,644 in expenses was put out, but that would go up because of expenses in keeping the roads up. TRLA has a total asset of $136,235.62 which includes deposits, reward funds, savings accounts, and accounts receivable. The property and equipment has a worth of around $134,000, for a total of $270,299.95. The total liabilities and capital is $270,299.95. Pat questioned if there was really $95,000, and that the report might be a mistake.
Howard said that that was the excess revenue for year-to-date. Pat said that he thought that was the budget.
Pat asked that the report be referred to the budget committee for approval.

REPORT ON THE ROAD: (Harry Hutton)

Harry said that for the last few months since Daniel’s death, there had been no action on the road at all. He mentioned that we needed to do some work right now, especially on some of the side roads since they had ruts and rain was expected. Harry said that Roger Irwin knew the roads out here, and said because he had done a lot of the work here, we wouldn’t want to discard him. Harry said again that a lot of work needed to be done on the roads, and that we needed to make some plans on getting some gravel to some of those areas. Harry also said we needed to make headway every month on the roads without gravel. He said that the budget had never included very much money for gravel, but hoped that the money could be increased for that.

Harry reminded everyone that they had been discussing a Ranch Foreman who would keep track of the roads and signs. He mentioned that the Timberlake Road is the road that really needed to be worked on, and that right now it was listed as a recreational road, not a residential road. He mentioned that they had requested that a counter be put on the road, so that it could be listed as a residential road. Harry said that Cibola County had mentioned that in August they would spend $150,000 on the road. He said he thought that would include grading, gravel, ditches, base work, signs. He said that after that is done, we couldn’t put just anyone on that road to take care of it, but that we had discussed with the State graders who could do it, and we might have someone who would do it.

Harry mentioned that he hoped there could be a Ranch Manager who could oversee the roads and take the responsibility off of the Board.

Howard asked about Kathleen Boller. Harry said that she had been to both counties to ask about land taxes out here, so that when we went to the court, we would have that to show them. He also mentioned a petition that they were going to have people coming up the road, sign. He read that petition. Harry also said again that if the road was upgraded by the county, we would hope to help maintain it with the person we would pay who was authorized to work on county roads.


Pat Wallace made a motion to table the discussion on leasing the land for the horses. Richard made a motion to write Mr. Baca a letter refusing his request to lease the land for horses, and it was seconded and passed 3-2.


Pat said that it had been discussed to hire someone to answer phone, emails, faxes, and work on the Webpage.
Someone asked about the newsletter, and what would happen to it. Howard said he had contacted Marilyn (who is the publisher), and that she understood that she might not still have the job, and that we had moved the next Timberlake Times date back to August. She understood that it would depend on what happened with the Association. He also mentioned that he was locked out of the Webpage.

Pat asked that a motion be made to hire someone for the office help. Someone said it should be advertised. Pat said that they had already talked to one girl. Someone made a motion for the job to be described. Hoot made a motion to hire someone after the job description was made and it was advertised. Someone said that what we wanted to do was create a position. Pat said we just needed a motion to hire someone, then they could discuss how much in an executive meeting. Someone made the motion to create the position. It was passed.


Pat asked Howard to tell them what he knew about the Webpage. Howard said that he went to networksolutions.com and told them who he was, and they said there had been no movement in the webpage. Howard said the person that was supposed to be updating the webpage lived in Prescott, AZ. That person sent Howard an Email saying that he couldn’t even get into one part of the webpage. But when Howard went to the Email site at cia.com, there were about 400 emails that weren’t passed on. Howard said that this person was paid, but never told anyone he couldn’t get into the site. He was paid $100 a month. 4 members of the Board told him on the 2nd of June that his services might not be needed anymore in the future. Howard said that the CD to do the website was expensive- $150, and that someone had donated it to us. He just needed to learn how to get around in the website and use it. Howard said he would back up the office help to put information in.


Pat said he received a letter from a Mrs Kangas that mentioned an ATV running around Cloh-Chin-Toh on Common Property. He said he didn’t know what we could do about it, because there is no police force out here. Someone said what they thought should be done was to mention it in a newsletter to all owners and remind them of this. He said this is probably all we could do. Pat said we would put it in the newsletter.


Pat said that he had got a request for someone to make a statement. The time was turned over to Robert Garcia.
Robert Garcia talked about the current lawsuit against him by TRLA.


In a letter that Jackie Sellier wrote, she gave a 30 days notice. Pat said that we had someone that would be interested in doing this.
Howard said the contract had been for $1,440, for cleaning the bathhouse. It was 144 hours at $10 an hour. The contract had not been completely fulfilled, but that it would be. Pat asked for a motion to accept the resignation on August 6th. Howard made the motion, and it was passed.

Pat said that Marion Haddow would want to accept this job. Hoot made a motion to get someone for the job after it was posted. The motion was passed.


Pat said that the position of Grader operator needed to be filled. He asked for a motion to hire someone. Hoot made a motion to hire a part-time grader operator, and another individual to assist the grader operator in this, and as maintenance. Howard seconded it. It passed.


Richard mentioned that we needed a copy machine to run off information in the office, and a copy machine to make copies to send letters to people. Pat had asked Richard to get a price on copiers in Albuquerque. Richard went to Southwest Copier, and Imaging concepts.
Prices were: Toshiba-$3780, plus monthly service contract Reconditioned Sharp- $1350, or $1490, or $4500 Richard said he liked Imaging concepts because they already serviced in this area, and the service contract would be $50 a month.

Pat asked if Richard could find out about leasing the copier.

Pat asked Hoot and Richard to look into the machines, and come up with a good deal. Pat also asked for a motion so that they could purchase a machine up to a certain dollar amount. Richard made the motion for Hoot & Richard to do this and purchase up to $5000, then changed it to $2500. It passed.


Richard made a report on a system that may work for a new key system. He investigated several security companies. Prices (not included running power) Slide card -$5.00 a piece. System comes with 100 cards- $3000 - $4000 That has the control board, software, magnalocks, 2 card readers. The way the key system would work was discussed in detail. Richard made a suggestion that he would call the company to come take a look at the facility and give us a good price quote. Howard seconded it. It passed.


Someone made a motion for the Board to cease all action in trying to subdivide TRLA, and that it stay one organization. It was seconded.

Pat said that this was not in stone, and that the purpose of this was to get enough people together to change the CC&Rs, however that would be done. He said the mediator was coming out to discuss this to try to help fix the problem. However, if people wanted to, they could write letters in the negative to this. The motion did not carry. It was voted 2 for, 3 against.